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What Are the Differences Between Psychology Coaching and Therapy

Dr. Dug

The people who come in for psychology coaching are often in distress, just like people who seek psychotherapy. There may be cross-over in the problems that people bring to both, but the primary targets of each are quite different.

Focus of Psychology Coaching

The reasons for psychology coaching may include things like

  • Improving your ability to understand and communicate in relationships (romantic, family, friends, work)​

  • Crafting the messaging you put out into the world so that it aligns with your intention

  • Building your emotional intelligence so that you know what is going on for you

  • Giving words to the implicit reactions you may have toward others

  • Gaining clarity about what you want out of life and create a clear path to get there

  • Growing your productivity and life balance

  • Living in a way that accurately reflects your values

  • Restoring a sense of meaning into your daily activities

  • Supporting and growing your efforts to advocate for yourself

Focus of Psychotherapy

These types of goals may also be part of psychotherapy, but they are not the primary targets. Rather, the focus of psychotherapy is to treat mental disorders or their associated symptoms. If you are struggling with challenges such as depression or anxiety, coaching is not the solution.

Ways in Which Psychology Coaching via Email Has a Leg Up

Frequency customized by the client.

Share your thoughts and challenges in the moment. You will receive at least three emails from Dr. Dug every week.


Appointments are nonexistent - no need to squeeze it into your day. You process when it's relevant, feasible, and best for you.

Equal power between you and Dr. Dug.

She interacts with you as a peer and you know everything she is thinking. Coaching clients know more about Dr. Dug than long term psychotherapy clients.

Authenticity and honesty.

It is easier to be real due to the social anonymity provided by the email environment. No more reacting to the psychologist's every eyebrow shift or worry about seeing a look of disappointment on your therapist's face.

Low Pressure.

Time to craft responses after you have had time to reflect and think, make edits, and made sure your message says exactly what you mean. You do not have to feel pressured to come up with some momentous a-ha revelation while someone is watching you.

Steady progress.

You will attempt change, get feedback and support, and then move to the next step; rather than trying to do a bunch of changes and then waiting a week (or more) to figure out pitfalls or next steps.

You may also be interested in reading more about other benefits of psychology coaching.

Therefore, if you have been struggling but are not suffering from a mental disorder, you may consider exploring a psychology coach.


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